Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Lizzy:

If Patricia spent 3/8 of her time cleaning her room. She spent 2/5 as much time washing the dishes as she did cleaning her room. What fraction of time did Patricia spend Washing dishes? And it wants us to simplify our answer

Hi Lizzy,

Suppose Patricia spend $\large \frac13$ as much time washing the dishes as she spent cleaning her room then she would have spent $\large \frac13 \normalsize \times \large \frac38 \normalsize = \frac18$ of her time washing the dishes as she did cleaning her room.

Suppose Patricia spend $\large \frac23$ as much time washing the dishes as she spent cleaning her room then she would have spent $\large \frac23 \normalsize \times \large \frac38 \normalsize = \frac14$ of her time washing the dishes as she did cleaning her room.

What if she spent $\large \frac25$ as much time washing the dishes as she did cleaning her room?


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