Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question rom Jill:

Emma has a bunch of grapes (1)/(2 ) of it she gave it to her friend and (3)/(4 ) of the remaining grapes she gave it to Gina. There are 4 grapes remaining. So how many bunch of grapes to begin with?

Hi Jill,

For this problem I would start at then end and work backwards.

At the end Emma has 4 grapes. When she met Gina she gave her three quarters of the grapes she had at that time. Hence she kept one quarter of the grapes she had. Thus one quarter of the grapes she had is 4 grapes. How many grapes did she give Gina? How many grapes did she have when she met Gina?

How many grapes did she give to her friend? How many did she have at the beginning?

Once you know how many grapes she started with work forward to make sure you are correct.


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