Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 12:41:10 -0600 (CST)
Name: Irene
Who is asking: Student
Level: Secondary
Hi, one of my friends had sent his question to you a few days ago, and we're still having trouble with it. Consider the polar equation r=2-3Cos(theta/2) In the interval [o, 4Pi], how would you find the area of one of the leaves and also the length of one of the edges of a leaf?
Thank You.
Hi Irene
When I plot r=2-3Cos(theta/2) for theta in [0, 4 Pi] I get the graph on the right. I am not sure what area you are looking for. Also when I set up the arc length expression I am virtually certain that the expression is not intergable. Are you sure you have the problem stated correctly?
Harley |
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