Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 12:18:29 -0600 (CST) Name: Jeni Who is asking: Student Level: Middle
Question: Hi Jeni This is a really nice problem so I don't want to tell you the answer. I will however give you a start. Here is the situation with three rings on peg A and you are to move them to peg C.
If you carefully perform the procedure to move the rings to peg C in seven steps you will see that you first moved the top two pegs (green and red) to peg B, then moved the blue ring to peg C and finally moved the green and red rings to peg C. Moving the green and red rings to peg B took 3 steps (3 moves for 2 rings), moving the blue ring to peg C took 1 step and moving the green and red rings to peg C took 3 steps (3 moves for 2 rings). This gives a total of 3 + 1 + 3 = 7 steps.
Cheers, |
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