Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:37:08 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Geometry

Name: Jessica
Who is asking: Student
Level: Middle

How do you even do Geometry. Like what do you need to learn first and like a step by step plan.I realy need help I need it before school starts PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

thankyou for reading

Hi Jessica,

The first answer is:
Geometry is hard because there is not a single, step by step algorithm for solving problems. That also makes it interesting!
   I would recommend getting a dynamic geometry program (try Geometer's Sketchpad in a demo version available at and playing with problems. This exploration / conjecturing etc. is key to being able to take on the problems with some level of understanding.
   Everything we know about learning geometry indicates that EXPERIENCE with concrete objects and with these kinds of dynamic examples is the base to build on for the other levels of work. Of course with this background, it can become fun - more fun than algebra I would claim!


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