Sender: Jennifer Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 18:13:11 -0800 To Whom It Concern:
I've been having difficulty with this one question involving area. The level of the question is Grade 11/12. Here it is! Hi Jennifer The area of the present rink is 20 m times 40 m = 800 sq m so the area of the new rink will be 1500 sq m. Let the width of the strip by x meters. The key to this problem is to draw a sketch, it should look something like this.
The enlarged rink is thus (40 + x) m by (20 + x) m and hence its area is (40 + x)(20 + x) sq m. Since the area is 1500 sq m you have that (40 + x)(20 + x) = 1500.
Cheers |
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