Name: Debbie
Who is asking: Student
Level: All
I have another question please, WHY do we invert and multiply when dividing fractions? I know that's what we do but WHY? What is the reasoning behind it?
Hi again Debbie,
I find it helps to reword a division problem as a multiplication problem.
Reword |
| "What is 15 divided by 5?" |
to | |
| "What number, multiplied by 5, gives 15?" |
That is | |
| 15/5 = ? |
becomes | |
| ? x 5 = 15 |
Clearly the answer here is 3 since 3 x 5 = 15. |
Similarly with fractions |
|  |
becomes | |
|  |
Here the answer is | |
|  |
since | |
|  |
The rule "invert and multiply" is just a handy way to say |
|  |
is |
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