Sender: "maggie clarke"
Subject: Can't make an equation!

Hi - I have been doing this one for days - Help

"An estate is to be distributed among the wife, 3 children and 2 grandchildren. The children will each receive 2x as much as each grandchild, and the wife will receive 4x as much as each child. If the estate amounted to $115,000, how much will each person receive?"

I could solve the equation if I just knew what it was! Thank you.

Hi Maggie,

The wife, children and grandchildren all receive part of the estate with the grandchildren receiving the least amount each. I would start by saying, let each grandchild receive D dollars. Since each child will receive 2x as much as each grandchild, each child will receive 2D dollars. The wife will receive 4x as much as each child, hence she will receive 4x(2D) = 8D dollars.

Thus in total you have

of people
per person
Grand total  16D

Hence $16D = $115,000


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