Sender: Ken Rabley

Hi, hoping you can help. Dispute among co-workers. Tell me, what is the correct answer to the following question:

-1936 + (2406/4812) x (4756 - 3256) + 1250

Seems this is the question for eligibility in a contest...We have come up with various solutions, all which may be correct.

Thanks for your immediate help.

K Rabley

Hi Ken,

The standard order of precedence is to first perform the operations inside parentheses, then multiplication and divisions and finally any additions and subtractions. Thus for your problem I would get

   -1936 + (2406/4812) x (4756 - 3256) + 1250
= -1936 + (1/2) x (1500) + 1250
= -1936 + (750) + 1250
= -1936 + 20000
= 64
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