From Randy: We all know how to count (in the base 10/decimal system) using words not numbers. For example: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, etc. However, in base 5 (for example) how would you count (in words). For sure - in base 5 the number 1 could be "one", the number 2 could be "two". However there seems to be no words to describe base 5 numbers beyond 0,1,2,3 and 4 (and perhaps 10). In base 5 the number 10 is not ten. Rather it is "five". In base 5 what word(s) describe numbers larger than 10? What words are used for 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 44,...etc. Also, consider a man and woman were married in the Gregorian year 1964. If they had an anniversary tomorrow - how long would you say they've been married in base 5 speak? In numbers their Golden Anniversary would note 200 years of marriage in base 5. How would you articulate their years together in base 5? I don't recall seeing verbiage to represent numbers in any system other than the decimal/base 10 system. Do such things exist for other systems? Answered by Harley Weston. |