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Balls and cubes in an urn 2008-09-09
From Dave:
In an urn, there are 80 objects of two kinds: cubes (C) and balls (B). An object can be either red (R) or green (G). Note that all the four combinations are possible and that the number of cubes is not necessarily equal to the number of balls. Similarly, the number of red objects is not necessarily equal to the number of green objects. Someone tells us that in the urn there are 20 red cubes, 50 balls, and 30 red objects. An object is randomly selected from the urn.
(a). What is the probability that a green ball is selected?
(b). If we know that a cube has been selected, what is the probability that it's red?
(c). If we know that a red object has been selected, what is the probability that it's a cube?

Answered by Harley Weston.



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