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Interest owing 2002-03-17
From Dean:
I am an investor. If I lend to someone on January 1, 1999, $1000 to be paid back interest at 2% per year (simple interest, ie not compounded), and on July 15, 1999, I lend the same person $1,500 more (total loan is now $2,500) but at 18%, and once again on October 15, 1999, I lend to the same person another $1,500, and the person pays me back the principle($4,000) and interest on January 1,2001: What is the total (principle plus interest) due me? The tougher question is: what was my blended rate of return on my total outlay of money? Is there a formula you can give me so that I can perform my own calculations?
Answered by Harley Weston.



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