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5 items are filed under this topic.
More than half of the people said... 2013-08-26
From Lucy:
The question is:
Samoa 23%
Brazil 41%
Sri Lanka 52%
Senegal 39%
Armenia 37%
Croatia 20%
Why is the following statement true for the data above: More than half of the people said they were interested in Sri Lanka. The reason I don't understand the problem is that because the percentages add up to be greater than 100%, that means that the 500 people(as stated in the question) who participated in the survey got to pick more than once. Therefore, it is not 52% out of 100% anymore. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Answered by Robert Dawson.
4 linear equations with 3 unknowns 2013-04-12
From Marian:
how to solve for 3 unknowns in 4 simultaneous equations
Answered by Penny Nom.
Adding more than 2 fractions 2012-09-10
From Anonymous:
How do you add or subtract more than 2 integer fractions?

OK, here is an example.

-5/6 + 7/4 + 13/8

Please tell me the steps.

Thanks- grade 9 student

Answered by Robert Dawson and Penny Nom.
An infinite number of solutions 2009-03-24
From Sean:
this is a linear equations problem;

3535.5 + Fbd (.866) + Fbc (.5) - Fab (.5) = 0
-3535.5 - Fab (.866) - Fbc (.5) - Fbd (.5) = 0

Answered by Harley Weston.
4 times as many or 4 times more? 2009-02-02
From Jackie:
Given : Here are 3 squares and 4 sets of 3 circles.

I wonder it is right to write in the below manner to represent the following Conclusion that
can be made from the above given information:

  1. There are 4 times as many circles as there are squares,

  2. There are 4 times fewer square than circles;

  3. There are 4 times more circles than squares.

  4. ...

Answered by Robert Dawson.



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