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3 items are filed under this topic.
20 of us golf together in groups of 4 2009-01-24
From D.:
Every Sunday, 20 of us golf together in groups of 4. I am looking for a way that each of us play with 3 other people each week and ultimately get to play in groups that are unique. For instance if week 1, I play with 2, 3, 4 and then the next week I play with 5, 6, 7, and the 3rd week I play with 8, 9, 10 and so forth until I have played with everyone. Everbody else should be doing the same thing. Can you give me a schedule for this and how many weeks would it take for all of us to accomplish this where we all play with different combinations of people. (We should not play with the same person very often or even the same pairs of people but everyone should play with everybody else) I hope this makes sense........whew and thanks!
Answered by Victoria West.
Golf pairings 2007-10-02
From Mike:
Regarding arranging golf players so no person plays with anyone more than once. You have given examples for 16 and 24 players. If it can be done, i need a solution for 20 players, 4 players per team one round per day for 5 days
Answered by Victoria West.
Mathematics of Schedules 1997-01-16
From Byron Krull:
I was asked if there was a mathematical method to work with schedules. The problem is this. There are 24 teams playing weekly on 4 sheets at 3 different times of the day as follows...
Answered by Denis Hanson.



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