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3 items are filed under this topic.
Rondo the snail 2011-01-05
From Kristen:
He trained his snail, Rondo, to crawl around a 6 x 8 rectangle. Rondo stayed exactly 3 cm from teh rectangle at all times. What is the total area that Rondo surrounded with his slime trail?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A snail on an elastic band 2010-02-03
From Joe:
A snail starts crawling from one end along a uniformly stretched elastic band. It crawls at a rate of 1 foot per minute. The band is initially 10 feet long and is instantaneously and uniformly stretched an additional 10 feet at the end of each minute. The snail maintains his grip on the band during the instant of each stretch. At what points in time is the snail
(a) closest to the far end of the band, and
(b) farthest from the far end of the band?

Answered by Robert Dawson.
How long will it be before the two snails meet? 2006-09-21
From Brett:
Two snails are 8.5 feet apart. They start to crawl toward each other at the same time. One of them travels at the speed of 6 in. per minute, while the other zips along at 11 inches per minute. How long will it be before the two snails meet?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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