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Day care 2002-05-13
From Sonam:
In many familes, both parents work. as a result, there is increasing need for day care. data was collected; and in one year in Canada, approximately 32% of children aged 0 to 11 years were in day care for at least 20h per week.

(a) what is the probability, in a random poll of 60 children form the age of 0 to 11, that more than 15 children are in day care at least 20 h per week? nearest tenth of one %

P(children are in daycare at least 20h)= 60/60C14 = to the answer

(b) what is the probability, in a random pool of 60 children that fewer than 20 are in day care at least 20 h per week?

P= 20/60= 33.3% stay in day care for 20h per week,

I dont know if these answers are right please help me out.

Answered by Andrei Volodin.



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