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Formula when i know the GST total 2017-10-31
From Duncan:
HI - I've added up the GST from a pile of receipts and would like to know what the total cost of goods would be without GST. I don't want to add up 100's of receipts again with the cost before GST but I do need this total cost. i.e.) I know I paid $400 GST, what would the formula be to find out the cost of what I purchased before taxes? Your help is much appreciated!
Answered by Penny Nom.
formula when i know the GST total 2017-10-31
From Duncan:
HI - I've added up the GST from a pile of receipts and would like to know what the total cost of goods would be without GST. I don't want to add up 100's of receipts again with the cost before GST but I do need this total cost. i.e.) I know I paid $400 GST, what would the formula be to find out the cost of what I purchased before taxes? Your help is much appreciated!
Answered by Penny Nom.



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