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A probability question which resulted from a game of Yahtzee 2005-12-31
From Robert:
Could someone please assist me with this probability question which resulted from a game of Yahtzee we were playing in Melbourne, Australia on our holidays.

The object on this turn was to throw a “large straight” which is 5 numbers in sequence from 5 dice numbered 1 – 6. A player initially throws all 5 dice and then selects those dice they want to throw again for a further two more times. In this instance the player on their first throw, threw a 1,2,3,4 and 6.

Question:- What is the respective probabilities of gaining a straight if they were to –

a) put back say the 6 and try and throw a 5 on the two further throws or…..
b) put back the 1 and 6 and try and throw a 1 and 5 or 5 and 6 on the two further throws bearing in mind that if one of the numbers was a 5 on the second throw they could hold that number and try for a 1 or 6 on the third throw.

I would be most appreciative if someone could assist in showing me how to calculate the probabilities particularly in the second instance (b).

Answered by Penny Nom.



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