Origin: | Plains Cree (Piapot Reserve). |
History: | Like many of the others, this game involved gambling. Women would gather in groups of ten and sit in a circle on a hide. Before this game began, each player must place an equal value stake in the middle of the circle. |
Materials: | 4 Large sticks (2"x12") - dice; sticks or reeds - tally sticks (14 per person) |
Players: | 2-10 players |
Setup: | The dice should be plain on one side and painted on the other as shown. Each player gets four-10 point tallies (smaller) and ten-1 point tallies (larger). |
To Play: | Each person takes a turn throwing one dice, the person who gets the blank side up will start the game; if there is a tie then those people keep on throwing. The starting player throws the dice into the air and tries to score points according to the patterns that the dice land in. If the player scores points, they collect that many tally sticks from all of the opposing players. If this person doesn't score anything then the stick dice is passed to the next player. The object is to collect all of the tally sticks from the other players. If a player loses all of their tally sticks they still have one more chance to score before they are out of the game. |
To Score: | There are two differently painted stick dice, each worth different point values. There are the dice with the crossed (C) patterns, and the other dice with the straight (S) patterns.Roll | Points | All 4 painted sides up | 10 | All 4 blank sides up | 8 | 2 blank & 2 C painted | 6 | 2 blank & 2 S painted | 4 | *any other combination scores 0 points
Math Content: | Probability, patterns and relations, data management |
Source: | http://collections.ic.gc.ca/games/chance/stickdice.html
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