by Alice Hanlin & Brian Amundrud
Foundational Objective
The student should demonstrate an understanding of numbers, patterns,
counting, and operations.
Learning Objectives
Day 1
Strand: Data Management and Analysis
The students should be able to acquire data through collecting and
counting. The student should be able to design classifications and sort
data using objects and display data using object graphs. The student
should be able to discuss and interpret by examining the shape and
Strand: Numbers and Operations
The student should be able to identify one or more characteristics, to
demonstrate and explain classification by different properties and
different ways, and to explain their order by using attributes.
Day 2
Strand: Problem Solving
The student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of a problem by
using manipulatives. The student should be able to design a plan and solve
problems by using manipulatives, using counting strategies, and using
patterns. The student should be able to reflect by explaining.
Day 3 & 4
Strand: Problem Solving
The student should be able to design a plan to solve problems using
manipulatives, counting strategies, collecting, organizing and interpreting
data, and using patterns. The student should be able to properly display
the results.
Day 5
Strand: Numbers and Operations
The student should be able to recognize that adding one quantity to another
increases the total and subtracting one quantity from another decreases the
total. The student should be able to recognize, demonstrate, and explain
the patterning of numbers, objects and events.
Day 6
Day 7
Strand: Numbers and Operations
The student should be able to demonstrate and explain the ordering of
events and compare sets using more, less, and equal.
Day 8
Strand: Problem Solving
The student should be able to create a problem giving specific information
Day 9
Strand: Geometry
The student should be able to cover a surface using one or more shapes.
The student should be able to discover the symmetry of their pattern.
Day 10
Day 1
Take the class on a nature walk. The students will collect objects
(pebbles, leaves, pinecones, rocks, feathers, grass, seeds, etc.) found
along the way and bring them back to the classroom.
Sort and classify them on a floor graph (object graph). Discuss the
similarities and differences within each group.
Order the sorted groups according to attributes (size, shape, color, etc.).
Compare the number of objects in each group as a counting activity.
Re-classify the groups into living and non-living objects.
Groups of two to four students move the objects into a patterned form
around the classroom.
e.g. rock, leaf, stick, rock, leaf, stick
Be sure to assign a specific area of the classroom for each group to make
their pattern.
Day 2
Brainstorm about what the word "collection" means to the students.
Encourage the students to bring any collections from home for "Show and
Tell" that could remain at the school for several days. There will be
collectionsand manipulatives available at school for the children who may
be unable to bring a collection from their home.
The students will "Show and Tell" their collections. They will sort their
own collections and then share their ideas with the rest of the class
Day 3
The students will make a patterned display by combining their collection
with another student's collection.
The teacher would give direct instructions by comparing and contrasting
patterns that the students have discovered. The teacher would explain the
linear patterns that have been discovered.
Such As:

Relate these items to an ABAB pattern or ABB pattern.
Have the children change their pattern to discover a new pattern and read
it to the class.
button, button, card, card or button, card, button
Relate these items to a BBAA or BAB pattern.
Give the students a long strip of paper to record their pattern with
pictures and letters. Display on the bulletin board or the blackboard.
Day 4
The entire class will be using the same manipulatives (e.g. popsicle
sticks, twist ties, or any other item that is straight). The students will
build a fence pattern under the direction of the teacher.
i) picket fence (AAAA)

ii) fence post with one wire (ABABA)

iii) fence post with three wires (ABABA)

iv) fence posts and diagonals (ABABA)

v) fence posts with opposite diagonals (ABACA)

vi) fence posts with low and high wires (ABACA) 
vii) fence posts with criss-cross wires (ABA)

viii) more than one fence post with any of the above (AABAABAA)
All of the above examples should be translated to the AB pattern.
Distribute strips of paper with letter patterns. Invite the students
to make the illustrations that would go with the letter patterns.
Day 5: Station Work
Station 1
Build with manipulatives using the number patterns.
(On laminated cards, the teacher will have the number patterns printed on
the template.) A variety of number patterns and manipulatives will be
Station 2
A review station will be set up with the popsicle activities from Day 4.
Station 3
A review station of the students' collections will be set up for the
students to investigate.
Station 4
This will be a computer station with the patterns program being in use.
Station 5
This station will be attended by the teacher. There would be increasing
and decreasing patterns at this station. This would lead into addition and
The students would be given the opportunity to use the manipulatives to
make ascending and descending patterns.
Day 6
Art work follow-up:
The students would use gummed stickers, toothpicks or macaroni (or any
other available material) to make their favorite pattern. The students
should label their pattern. AB
Day 7
A language arts activity would be suggested.
Read :
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
There were Ten in the Bed by Pam Adams.
Highlight to review the ascending and descending patterns that were studied
Role play the story in the classroom. This could be extended by counting
the number of ears that would be decreased every time a student is
The students will use linking cubes or blocks (or other manipulatives) to
create an object graph which illustrates the descending pattern of the
Day 8
Game: What's My Pattern?
The students will be working in pairs using attribute blocks, pattern
blocks or other manipulatives.
Create a visual barrier between the students' work areas. Student "A" will
build a pattern. Student "A" will verbally give the directions to Student
"B" about how Student "B" can build the same pattern with the verbal
directions only. Then the students will remove the barrier and compare
their patterns.
Give ample class time for both students to play both roles in this game.
Bring all of the students together to clarify the required vocabulary to
make this activity easier.
Allow time for the students to try the game again to improve their accuracy
in listening and speaking.
- The students could incorporate other manipulatives into the game.
- The game could be timed.
- They could switch partners.
Day 9
The materials required for the lesson will be pattern blocks and mirrors.
The children will make a linear pattern using the pattern blocks. They
will use a mirror to reflect the symmetry of their pattern. The mirror
will be taken away and the students will try to match their pattern with
what they saw in the mirror.
An extension of this activity would be to have the students make a
wallpaper pattern (or a floor tile pattern) with the pattern blocks
A follow-up art activity would be for the students to use triangular grid
paper to illustrate their pattern or to use gummed paper pattern block
stickers to produce a pattern.
Day 10
For the culmination of this unit, one suggestion would be at Thanksgiving
time to plan and design table decorations for their Thanksgiving dinner
table. (placemats, place cards, napkin holders)
Assessment Techniques
Anecdotal Records
Observation Checklists
Assessment Stations
Self and Peer Assessments
Integration of Patterns Across the Curriculum
- nature walk
- collect sea shells, seeds, leaves, etc
- investigate and make patterns
- investigate patterns and symmetry in the environment, both natural and
- do pattern or texture rubbings
- body parts (2 eyes, 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 mouth)
- listen for the rhythm of breathing, heartbeat while walking or running
or resting
- investigate patterns in vegetables, fruits, and seeds
Physical Education
- play "Follow the Leader" in a pattern (could say "ABAB")
- pattern a series of ball handling skills
- gymnastic movement activity (stretch, curl, balance)
- stations in a pattern
- obstacle course in a pattern
Social Studies
- look for patterns in:
- clothing from other cultures
- communities
- families
- your home
Language Arts
- patterning stories and poems
- look for ABAB rhyming patterns
- look for ascending, descending patterns in The Enormous Turnip,
Chicken Little, The Three Bears, The Little Red Hen,
The House that Jack Built, Over in the Meadow
Arts Education
- dancing
- rhythm patterns with rhythm sticks
- clapping patterns
- rhythm instruments
- marching
- movement to music in a pattern
- using patterns in art
- viewing patterns in art
- paper folding (Origami)
- print making
- sponge painting
- vegetable prints
- floor tile patterns, quilt patterns or tile patterns
- rubbings (leaf or texture)
Suggested Materials
Large floor graph (may be purchased or teacher made)
- i.e. shower curtain or drop cloth with a grid
- Items from a nature walk
- Children's collections (stickers, cards, etc.)
- Buttons
- Bread ties (plastic)
- Toys
- Colored toothpicks
- Twist ties
- Seeds
- Seashells
Purchased items:
- Pattern blocks
- Linking cubes
- Popsicle sticks
- Attribute blocks
- Colored beads
- Shoe laces
- Blocks, tiles
- Cuisenaire rods
Kelly, Brendan and Ricki Wortzman. MATHQUEST Program Manual,
Addison-Wesley Publishers Limtied, 1986.
Coombs, Betty, et al. Explorations 1, Explorations 2,
Addison-Wesley, 1987. ISBN 0-201-19222-5
Kelleher, Heather J. Mathworks Book B, Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
ISBN 0395-42684-7
Irons, Calvin and James Burnett. Mathematics from Many Cultures.
Mimosa Publications, 1993. Canadian Distributor - Ginn Publishing Canada,
Smythe, Kelvin. Nature's Shapes and Patterns. Shortland
Publications, 1993. Canadian Distributor - Ginn Publishing Canada, Inc.
Villalpando, Eleanor. Patterns - Visual Perception Activities.
Remedia Publications, 1988.
Nagel, Barry. Pattern Block Activity Cards. Learning Resources
from the Teacher Book Club, Greensboro, NC, 1986.
Link and Learn. Learning Resources from the Teacher Book Club,
Greensboro, NC, 1985.
Hope, Jack and Marian Small. Interactions Big Book - Level K. Ginn
Publishing Canada, Inc., 1994. ISBN 7702-2306-0
Hope, Jack and Marian Small. Interactions - Teacher Resource Binder -
Level K Ginn Pubishing Canada, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-7702-2305-2
Hope, Jack and Marian Small. Interactions - Teacher Resource Binder -
Level 1. Ginn Publishing Canada, Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-7702-2339-7
Hope, Jack and Marian Small. Interactions - Teacher Resource Binder -
Level 2. Ginn Publishing Canada, Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-7702-2326-5
Patterns. Apple II Computer program.
The following is an outline for an Observational Checklist .
Observation Checklist
Ability to Solve Problems
The following are criteria to consider when evaluating students
- Student understands the problem.
- Student plans and solves the problem.
- Student explains how the solution was obtained.
- Student demonstrates confidence/perserverance.
- Student properly displays the results.
- Student creates similar problems.
Problem Solving
V-Very Good
E- Excellent
Do Students show awareness in the following catagories of Problem Solving
development :
- Understanding
- Use Manipulatives
- Act Out
- Interpret Pictures
- Ask Questions
- Plan and Execute
- Act Out
- Use Manipulatives
- Data
- Types
- Reflecting
- Explain (Orally)
- Create Problem
- Similar Problems
- Processes
- Suitable Solution
- Demonstrates Confidence
- Systematic Approaches
- Mathematical Language
This unit comes from the The Stewart Resources Centre which provides
library resources and teacher-prepared materials for teachers in Saskatchewan.
To borrow materials or obtain a free catalogue listing unit and lesson
plans contact :
Stewart Resources Centre,
Sask. Teachers' Federation,
2317 Arlington Avenue,
Saskatoon, SK S7J 2H8;
phone 306-373-1660; fax 306-374-1122,
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