Performance Stations in Math
Data Management
Grade 8

Liliane Gauthier
Teacher / Educational Consultant
Saskatoon Board of Education

1. Data Management
Probability: Grade 8

D-26, D-29

  chart paper
1.Draw vertical lines on large chart paper exactly
2 toothpick lengths apart.
2.Toss 100 toothpicks randomly on the chart paper.
3.Record any toothpick that touches a line as a "hit".
4.Calculate the ratio of the number of tosses and the number of hits. Record.
5.Repeat two more times. Record. Compare results.
6.What variables could you change in this investigation to further compare results?
7.Test your ideas and record.

2. Data Management
Probability: Grade 8

D-26, D-29

What is the probability of having two boys in a family of five?

Design a simulation using coins to answer the question.

3. Data Management
Probability: Grade 8

D-23, D-24, D-26, D-27

  deck of playing cards
1.Draw a card from a deck of playing cards and record its value, regardless of the suit. Replace the card and draw again recording by tallying the results.
2.After doing this experiment 20 times, calculate the probability of drawing a Jack from a standard deck of cards.
3.How could this experiment be conducted so that it would be more accurate?
4.Is this an example of theoretical probability or experimental probability? In your own words define each term.

6. Data Management
Probability: Grade 8

D-21, D-24

  paper cup
  thumb tacks
1.A paper cup is tossed on the floor.
 a)Describe the three ways that can it land.
 b)Look at the cup carefully. Why can you not predict an outcome like you can when rolling a die or tossing a coin?
 c)Which one in this case is experimental more probable?

2.A thumb tack is tossed so that it lands on your desk.
 a)How many ways can it land?
 b)Can you predict the outcome of a toss?

3.Use a small glass dish. Place it 2 metres from a line (made with tape) on the floor. You stand behind the line and toss the coin.
 a)How many ways can it land?
 b)Can you predict the outcome of a toss?

4.a)Choose one of the above examples (or make up your own example) and estimate the probability of each outcome.
 b)Conduct an experiment to test your predictions in a).
How close were you in your prediction?
5.Relate this work with the games of chance at an exhibition. Are the outcomes calculated in your favor? Describe a game you have played and discuss how the outcomes can be manipulated by the way games are physically constructed.

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