1. | Cut strip one metre long. Place the metre stick on the strip of paper and carefully make a mark on the strip to show each centimetre. Label at each decimetre (10 centimetres) starting at 10, 20 30 . . . 100
2. | a) | Fold in half. Open the strip. |
| b) | Label the crease at the middle of the strip . |
| c) | How many centimetres are there in half a metre.
Explain another strategy to calculate of a metre. |
| d) | Name two things that are about half a metre in length.
3. | a) | Fold the strip in half and in half again. Open the strip. |
| b) | Label the creases , respectively. |
| c) | How many centimetres are there in one quarter, two quarters and three quarters of a metre?
Explain another strategy to explain this. |
| d) | Name two things that are about a quarter of a metre in length.
4. | a) | Fold the strip in half and in half again and another time. Open the strip. |
| b) | Label the creases
| c) | How many centimetres are there in one eighth two eighths, three eighths, four eighths, five eighths, six eighths, seven eighths of a metre?
Explain another strategy to explain this. |
| d) | Name two things that are about an eighth of a metre in length.
5. | Why are certain places along the metre strip labelled with more than one fraction?
6. | a) | Explain why the following are all at the same place on the metre stick.
| b) | What do they represent? |
| c) | What is the meaning of the numerator and the denominator in each case?
7. | How could you fold a one-metre paper strip to show tenths and fifths. Explain in your own words and/or construct a strip to show this process.