Performance Stations in Math
Data Management
Grade 7

Liliane Gauthier
Teacher / Educational Consultant
Saskatoon Board of Education

1. Data Management
Probability: Grade 7

D-21, D-22,D-23,D-25
D-30, D-31, R-16

  two dice, each of a different color
1.List all the possible outcomes if you toss two regular six-sided dice. e.g. (1,1), (1,2)
2.a)Which of the above outcomes are favourable if you want to roll a sum of 7?
 b)What is the probability of rolling a sum of seven if you roll 2 regular six-sided dice.
 c)How many times would you expect to obtain a sum of seven if you roll 2 regular six-sided dice 100 times.
 d)What are the odds of rolling a sum of 7 if you roll 2 regular six-sided dice.
 e)Use the dice and roll one hundred times to see how close you meet those odds in d).

Tally as you roll:

23 456 789 101112
 f)Express the number of times you rolled each sum as a percent.
 g)Are sevens really lucky??? Explain your answer.
 h)Why are you more likely to get a sum of 6, 7 or 8 rather than a sum of 2 or 12?

2. Data Management
Probability: Grade 7


  spreadsheet program with random numbers
  paper bags or containers
A particular brand of cereal includes one
of six hockey cards in each cereal box.

Using any of the above materials, design a simulation to arrive at estimating how many boxes you would need to purchase in order to get at least one of each hockey card.

It may be easier to write your answer as step by step instructions.

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