1 Predict the chance of an event happening, using the terms never, sometimes, always.
  Jane's spinner will never land on green. Jim's spinner will always land on blue. Joe's spinner will sometimes land on yellow.

Which spinner is Jane's? Which spinner is Jim's? Which is Joe's?

  Materials: paper bags, color tiles.

  • Begin by placing color tiles in three bags as follows:
    • in the first bag place 6 blue tiles.
    • in the second bag place 3 blue and 3 yellow tiles.
    • in the third bag place 6 yellow tiles.
  • Take turns trying to draw a yellow tile from the bags.
  • From which bag(s) will you always draw a yellow?
  • From which bag(s) will you never draw a yellow?
  • From which bag(s) will you sometimes draw a yellow?
  • Write sentences about each of the bags.
  • Take a new bag. Put color tiles of your choice in the bag so that you will sometimes draw a yellow.
  • Take a new bag. Put color tiles of your choice in the bag so that you will never draw a yellow.
  Materials: 3 bags, 15 blue tiles, 15 yellow tiles.

  • Place 10 yellow tiles in one bag, 10 blue tiles in another bag, and 5 yellow and 5 blue tiles in a third bag.
  • Mix the bags so you can't tell and don't remember which is which.
  • Take turns drawing 1 tile from any bag until all 30 tiles are drawn.
  • The player who has drawn the most yellow tiles wins.


  • Add a fourth bag to the game, which at the start contains 8 blue tiles and 2 yellow tiles.
  • Change the game, the player who draws the fewest yellow tiles wins.
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