17 Compare experimental results with theoretical results.

Joan rolled 12 s in 24 turns.

Jason rolled ten 4s in 24 turns.

Joanne landed on 4 7 times in 24 turns.

Whose experimental probability was closest to his or her theoretical probability?

  Materials: event cards, overhead spinner, spinner mat (1-4), regular six-sided die, 4 beans, paper cup, coin, paper bag (containing 5 blue, 3 red and 2 yellow tiles), deck of cards (A to 10 in one suit).

  • Draw 3 event cards.
  • Conduct an experiment for each card. Save the data.
  • Compare your theoretical probability with your experimental probability.
  • Sort the cards from those where the theoretical probability and experimental probability were most similiar, to those where they were the most different.
  • Is it common for the experimental probability and theoretical probability to be exactly the same? Why?
  • List some reasons which might explain the differences between theoretical probabilities and the experimental probabilities you obtained.
  Materials: regular six-sided die, regular four-sided die, regular eight-sided die, paper, pencil.

  • Roll a 6-sided die 24 times. How many 1s would you expect in 24 rolls? Try it and see how many you actually get. Score one point for each roll over or under the theoretical expectation.
  • Repeat, but using a 4-sided die.

  • Repeat, but using an 8-sided die.
  • Tally your scores from each of the three different die. Have a contest in your classroom to see who can get the lowest score.
  • Change the game so that you are rolling 3 beans, then 4 beans, then 5 beans.
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