Purpose: Make shapes on a geoboard based on knowledge of angles, triangle, and rectangles Skill: Knowledge of polygons such as parallelograms, rectangles, and triangles. Knowledge of angles. |
Number of people: Possible to work alone, but working with a partner will help verify results and also will show that there is usually more than one correct answer.
:1. Use geoboards in the classroom OR geoboard sheets provided OR graph paper, using the intersections of lines as the "posts" on the geoboard.
2. Try making the following:
a) triangle with a right angle
b) triangle with no right angle
c) a house containing right, acute, and obtuse angles.
d) a sailboat with no right angles
e) a Christmas tree using at least three triangles
f) a rocket ship made of rectangles and squares
g) a five sided figure
h) a parallelogram that is not a rhombus, square, or rectangle.
3. If playing with a partner, make a shape and have your partner copy it. Describe it in geometric