Numbers and Operations


Purpose: To be the first to reach 97

Skill: Knowing prime numbers!

Number of People: 2-4


1. Start on zero. Take turns rolling the dice and using any single number rolled or any combination of numbers on the dice ( addition or subtraction) to try to reach another prime number.

Example: Marker is on 5, Player rolls a 6 and a 2

Best choice: Move (6+2=8) to 13

Could also: Move 6 to 11, Move 2 to 7

Not possible (6-2=4) to 9

2. If no move can be made to a prime number, player stays on the original spot.

3. First player to reach 97 wins

*****Moves must be made only to PRIMES. If an incorrect move is spotted, the player making the move must go back "one prime".

