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Mathematics with a Human Face

Mathematics with a Human Face is a joint initiative with the Canadian Mathematical Society. The Mathematicians at Work poster, which is part of this initiative grew out of an earlier poster produced by the Canadian Mathematical Society on Women in Mathematics.

Mathematicians at Work
The poster
The pamphlet

Visit our careers page to meet some mathematicians and read about their diverse careers.

Mathematicians at Work posterThe poster was sent to schools, universities, libraries and science centres across Canada in 2005 and by request since then.

Women In Mathematics
The poster

More information on women in mathematics can be found on the following websites:

Women in Math poster The Canadian Mathematical Society

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

The Association for Women in Mathematics

Biographies of Women Mathematicians


The Mathematicians at Work pamphlet is for distribution at mathematics teacher's conferences, meetings of school guidance counselors, mathematics enrichment activities and similar events. Its purpose is to broaden students' and teachers' understanding of the diverse applications of mathematics and the many careers enjoyed by mathematicians.



Math Central is supported by the University of Regina and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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