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Mr. Edgecomb's math exam 2000-09-17
From Rachel:
In Mr. Edgecomb's math class, 30 students took an exam on statistics. If the average passing grade was 84, the average failing grade was 60, and the overall average was 80, how many students passed the test?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Le volume d'une sphère 2000-09-17
From Pitmill:
merci de me donner la formule pour trouver le volume d'une sphère.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Tessellations 2000-09-17
From Lindsay:
What is the word that means a shape repeated over and over again to make something like a quilt pattern?

Note: I'm pretty sure it is either a fractal or tesselation. Could it be that the pattern itself is a fractal but the entire quilt would be a tesselation?

Answered by Chris Fisher.
1234567890 2000-09-14
From Bradley Kloetzly:
Can you find two whole numbers, with the smallest possible difference between them, which when multipled together equal: 1234567890?
Answered by Harley Weston.
6-49 2000-09-14
From Steve:
In our state lottery you must choose 6 numbers (1-49). How many different combinations are there? They can be in any order.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Rounding 2000-09-14
From MaryAnn:
How many whole numbers rounded to the hundreds place, round to 400? Can you also explain why?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two linear equations 2000-09-14
From David Dean:
2a + 1b = 3.39 3a + 3b = 6.59
What formula do I use to find what a = ?

Answered by Harley Weston.
The smaller of a and b 2000-09-14
From Jenna:
For any two real numbers, a and b, give a mathematical expression in terms of a and b that will yield the smaller of the two numbers. Your expression should work regardless of whether a>b, a
Answered by Penny Nom.
Rational Numbers 2000-09-14
From Josh Kuhar:
How can you tell a number is rational?
Answered by Harley Weston.
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 50 2000-09-14
From Vicki Charron:
How can you calculate the total of the numbers one through fifty, without adding up the individual numbers?
Answered by Penny Nom.
7 - - - - 77 2000-09-13
From Peter:
Does anyone know how to solve the following:
7 _ _ _ _ 77 ?

I have to find the missing values.

Answered by Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley.
4-digit numbers using 7, 8, 9 and 0 2000-09-13
From Ryan:
Could you please help me with the following problem, How many different 4-digit numbers are there that use each of the digits 7,8,9,and 0? Please list them.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Manipulating powers 2000-09-13
From Phil:
21/5 x 42/5 = ?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Flim 2000-09-12
From Jodi and Ari:
Can you tell us the definition of the word FLIM? My daughter is in 4th grade, and this came up. Could not find it in the Websters Dictionary.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Selling chickens 2000-09-12
From Rick:
A man raised chickens. He sold all but 8 of them. The first buyer bought 1/3 of all the chickens + 2/3 of a single chicken. The second buyer bought 1/3 of the remaining chickens + 1/3 of a single chicken. The third buyer bought 1/3 of the remainder + 2/3 of a chicken. How many chickens did the seller own before selling any? All chickens were alive and whole when the buyers received them.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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