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4 items are filed under this topic.
The test for some disease is 99% accurate 2010-02-24
From baaba:
Assume that the test for some disease is 99% accurate. If somebody tests positive for that disease, is there a 99% chance that they have the disease?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Accuracy of Data 2009-06-25
From Bill:
If say, a predictin is 20 and the actual is 35 how do you work out the accuracy of the prediction
Answered by Janice Cotcher.
How accurate is the following calculation? 2008-09-03
From Craig:
Given that these numbers are only accurate to 2 decimal places, how accurate is the following calculation?

1.73 - 2.16 + 0.08 + 1.00 - 2.23 - 0.97 + 3.02 = 0.47

How do I work out the accuracy?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Calculations 2002-12-15
From Mahdi:
This problem is rather general, but it usually makes a lot of problems. I almost have no difficulty in math and physics questions, but unfortunately I'm not at all accurate in simple one or two digit calculation. I even sometimes make silly mistakes in simple sums like 7+4=12 or 4+5=11! Is there any effective way to reduce these mistakes?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.



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