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2 items are filed under this topic.
Meetings for 77 students 2014-09-18
From Adam:
We have a new group of students starting, and would like to set up a series of small group meetings so each student meets each other, hopefully without meeting the same people twice.

We have 77 students. In theory I would like to have 11 meeting slots, with 10 groups in each slot, with up to 8 students in each group. Is there a way to do this?

I have wondered if it might be easier to do 9 meeting slots, with 9 groups per slot, with 9 students per group. Thanks!

Answered by Victoria West.
Non-Euclidean Geometry 1999-02-10
From Robert Smith:
Is non-euclidean geometry necessary for the college bound student? I have students that are inerested in teaching math one day. My school is restricted to Euclidean Geometry.
Answered by Walter Whiteley and Jack LeSage.



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