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2 items are filed under this topic.
A car chase 2016-09-25
From Ms.:
Car 1 is traveling down the road at 50 mph and passes Car 2 is sitting on the side of the road. Car 2 needs to catch Car 1 one half mile down the road. How fast must Car 2 drive to catch Car 1 if Car 2 waits 10 seconds before pursuing Car 1?

Yes, the assumption is that the Car 2 can accelerate from a standing position and over take Car 1 rate. What is the answer or formula for this type of question?
Befuddled Mom?

Answered by Penny Nom.
How fast and how far must Car 2 travel before catching Car 1? 2016-09-25
From Ms.:
Car 1 is traveling down the road at 50 mph and passes Car 2 is sitting on the side of the road. Car 2 needs to catch Car 1 one half mile down the road. How fast must Car 2 drive to catch Car 1 if Car 2 waits 10 seconds before pursuing Car 1?

Yes, the assumption is that the Car 2 can accelerate from a standing position and over take Car 1 rate. What is the answer or formula for this type of question?
Befuddled Mom?

Answered by Penny Nom.



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