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double angle formulas

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5 items are filed under this topic.
Solve for theta 2014-04-25
Hi, The question asks Solve for 'theta' cos2theta=sintheta x costheta. Substituting for cos2th either 1-2sin^2th or 2cos^2th does not give an equation in either sine or cosine alone how do I solve this please?
Answered by Penny Nom.
sin(3A) 2004-10-20
From A student:
Express sin3A in terms of sinA and cosA.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Some trig expressions 2004-05-23
From A student:

sin A + sin B = 2sin(A+B/2)cos(A-B/2)

cos A - cos B = -2sin(A+B/2)sin(A-B/2)

cos A + cos B = 2cos(A+B/2)cos(A-B/2)

sin A - sin B = 2cos(A+B/2)sin(A+B/2)

Answered by Penny Nom.
sin 2x = cos 3x 2002-02-25
From Allan:

sin 2x = cos 3x

Primary question: how do you handle the cos 3x?

Answered by Paul Betts and Chris Fisher.
A Trigonometry Question 1999-08-28
From Diane Simms:
My question is can the following be factored. I am a teacher who needs the factors to this right away. 2 Sin2X + 2 SinX CosX - 1= 0
Answered by Harley Weston.



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