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3 items are filed under this topic.
9 golfers in groups of 3 2014-03-22
From Andrew:
We are a group of 9 golfers.
We play 4 rounds in 3 groups of 3.
What would be the most equitable where everyone plays with another at least 1 time...?. Thank you.

Answered by Victoria West.
9 golfers divided into 3 teams 2014-02-22
From Steve:
We have 9 golfers, divided into 3 teams each day. Play is over 6 days. Can you devise a schedule to ensure pairings allow for all golfers to play at least once with all participants? Also, that the pairings have one player from another team.
Answered by Victoria West.
I have nine players, three rounds of golf 2011-02-05
From Pat:
My problem is I have nine players three rounds of golf, please could you give me the best formula so that no two players play twice together
Answered by Victoria West.



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