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Highest common factor 2006-02-06
From Sajid:

1.A rectangular field has dimensions 156 m and 84 m. It is to be fenced with wire netting supported by stakes, equally spaced, a stake being placed at each corner of the field. What is the greatest possible distance between any two stakes, given that it should be more than 2 m and less than 8 m?

2. What is the length of the side of the largest square tile which can be used to cover a floor 525 cm long by 275 cm wide without leaving a gap?

3. Find the greatest number which will divide 140 and 249 to leave remainders 8 and 18 respectively?

4. Find the greatest number which will divide 304 and 298 so as to leave remainder 4 in each case.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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