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horizontal tank

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3 items are filed under this topic.
A barrel on its side 2008-11-13
From Dave:
Question from Dave:

How many gallons are left in a 36x60 in. barrel (laying on its side) and has 16 in. of gasoline left. I have attached a diagram.

Answered by Harley Weston.
Measuring the liquid in a horizontal tank 2012-02-28
From Philip:
I have a steel gas tank that is 3' dia X 5' length. The total volume is 1000 litres. But how much is left when I use a stick and measure 6" from the bottom or 12" or 24" ?? Is there a formula to use for this task?


Answered by Harley Weston.
The height of a fluid in a horizontal tank 2011-07-24
From jason:
Same set up as many others, cylindrical tank on its side, but I am interested in defining the change in volume and/or fluid level as a function of time at a constant volumetric outflow. I plan on hooking a pump to the tank so "gpms' will be constant. I have a couple different sized tanks and pumps so I want a general equation. Thanks for your help.
Answered by Harley Weston.



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