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6 items are filed under this topic.
When is John's next birthday on a Friday? 2019-03-15
From Darek:
The question is the following:
Last Friday 4th of April of 2014 John was 40 years old. How old will John be the next time when his birthday fell on Friday?
Thanks for your help

Answered by Penny Nom.
On what day of the week was July 4, 1904? 2014-01-11
From Madi:
Hi guys,
I have a question. July 4, 1903, was a Tuesday. On what day of the week was July 4, 1904? If you could give me an equation that would work for any question like this, that would be GREAT!
Your fellow math scholar (in training),

Answered by Penny Nom.
Your birthdays until your one hundredth 2006-09-09
From Alan:
which of your birthdays until your one hundredth, fall on the same day of the week as the day you were born?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
When will the calendar be the same as 2002? 2002-02-20
From John:
When will the calendar be the same as 2002? I know the answer is 2013, but I don't know how to answer this mathematically, or if it is possible to do so. This is a ninth grade level algebra question my daughter received from her teacher. Any ideas?
Answered by Chris Fisher, Patrick Maidorn and Penny Nom.
Leap Year 2000-09-20
From Jennifer:
The earth revolves around the sun in 365.24 days. How does our calendar deals with the extra 0.24 day?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Age in minutes 1999-11-21
From Mesha Jackson:
How old would I be in minutes if I were 12
Answered by Penny Nom.



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