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8 items are filed under this topic.
Misuse of greater than 2019-03-07
From Kenneth:
I have an old business mathematics textbook. The authors have indicated that the following expressions indicate multiplication:

? is 2/3 greater than 90; ? is 2/3 smaller than 90. They also indicated that the following expression would indicate division: 30 is 2/3 greater than ? and 30 is 2/3 smaller than ?.

How can these phrases indicate multiplication and division? How can 60 be 2/3 greater than 90 and also smaller than 90 as indicated above. What were the authors thinking? I have added the page from the book that indicates what I have explained in my message Kenneth

Answered by Harley Weston.
More on the square root of 0.75 2009-03-30
From Blaine:
I read your response to How is the square root of 3/4 is greater than 3/4?

What I'm hoping for is a way for my students to use their own experience and number intuition to be able to make sense of the issue. As soon as my kids see "if y is this and x is this then..." their little eyes glaze over. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a way myself. Thank you for your help.
Answered by Penny Nom and stephen La Rocque.

Multiplying decimal numbers 2008-02-05
From alwyn:
Why should when you Multiplying Decimal numbers is value becoming less and less? don't you think even decimal number is a quantity and in no chance when it multiplies its should become less or nil !!!

In fact all Multiplying and or adding the value will go up and only when you subtract and divide it should become less !!

Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
"Less than" and "less than or equal to". 2006-11-15
From Ross:

7 ≤ 10 and 7 ≤ 7 are both true statements.

How can 7 be equal to 10, and 7 be less than 7? The book doesn't explain WHY!

Answered by Penny Nom.
< and > 2002-08-30
From Kelsey:
What is the origin of the greater (>) than and less (<) than signs?
Answered by Harley Weston.
36 is 20% less than _____? 2002-02-13
From Lori:
36 is 20% less than _____?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
< and > Which one is which? 2000-12-06
From Alice:
This grandmother forgot and wants to know the correct for greater and the one for lesser.....

the two are < and > Which one is which?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Larger and smaller 2000-10-10
From Nicole:
which one of these arrows < , > points to the greater number? which arrows points to the smaller number.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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