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3 items are filed under this topic.
How do we use logarithms in our daily life 2014-06-01
From ss:
how do we use logarithms in our dailylife
Answered by Penny Nom.
Uses of logarithms 2011-11-09
From BEA:
what is the use of logarithmic functions in real life or daily life?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Where will we use this in the real world? 2000-10-11
From Jane Ann Musgrove:
As a teacher of mathematics, I am always asked "Where will we use this in the real world?". I am seeking ideas/sites via the internet where students can find answers to this type of question. Can you help me?

To be more specific, right now I am interested in finding careers where the employees would use the concepts of "Radicals", "Matrices", and "Logarithms". This information will be used by students to make presentations to the class on their findings from internet searches.

Answered by Harley Weston.



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