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3 items are filed under this topic.
Upper Quartiles 2007-01-26
From Jamie:
I see you have a question about Q3 with even numbers but what about odd numbers? I have a problem with 19 numbers 36,45,49,53,55,56,59,61,62,65,67,70,75,81,82,86,89,94,99. Is there anyway the answer could be 81.5 because every time I do it I get 82 and my teacher tells me that is wrong. So in conclusion how do you do it?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Outliers in a box and whisker plot 2006-02-19
From A student:
i need help on determining if their is an outlier...i know how to find the median and the lower quartile and the upper quartile..but i don't understand about the outliers....please tell me if their is an outlier in this problem....the numbers are...63,88,89,89,95,98,99,99,100,100
Answered by Penny Nom.
Box and Whisker plots 2001-11-19
From Rod:
In our Prealgebra course, we have been studying Box and Whisker plots. Recently, we learned how to decide whether a data point is an outlier or not. The book (Math Thematics, McDougall Littell) gave a process by which we find the interquartile range, then multiply by 1.5. We add this number to the upper quartile, and any points above this are considered to be outliers. We also subtract the number from the lower quartile for the same effect.

My question: where does this 1.5 originate? Is this the standard for locating outliers, or can we choose any number (that seems reasonable, like 2 or 1.8 for example) to multiply with the Interquartile range? If it is a standard, were outliers simply defined via this process, or did statisticians use empirical evidence to suggest that 1.5 is somehow optimal for deciding whether data points are valid or not?

Answered by Penny Nom.



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