3 items are filed under this topic.
A schedule for 5 employees working 2 at a time |
2015-01-23 |
From Cynthia: We have 5 employees and need only 2 to work on Saturdays. what is the best
way to fairly schedule everyone. PS. from time to time a sixth person will be
thrown in to make things really interesting. Answered by Victoria West. |
A rotating schedule for 9 individuals |
2014-05-29 |
From Josh: I need to set up a rotating schedule for 9 individuals.
The individuals will be pairing each week in groups of two.
Thus, every week there will be 4 groups of two individuals and one individual not paired with anyone (i.e. a "bye week").
The rotating schedule should not repeat any pairing and it will continue until each individual has been paired with every other individual once.
Thank you Answered by Victoria West. |
A rotating schedule |
2012-08-16 |
From Dusty: Ok, Im trying to create a rotating schedule. There are four jobs and four people but, one of four people cant preform one job. How can I figure out a rotating schedule for this issue? Answered by Victoria West. |