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2 items are filed under this topic.
A travelling salesman 2004-09-09
From Liz:
A salesman traveled due west from city A to city B. The distance he traveled, that is the ditance from A to B, was X miles. He returned from B to A and found that he had traveled half the distance, X/2 miles. How can that be?
Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
The ages of three daughters 2000-10-25
From Andrea:
An encyclopedia saleman call at a home. The woman who answers the door says she will buy something from him if he can give the ages of her three children. The first clue, she says, is the three ages multiplied together equal 36. he responds that he needs more infomration, so she says that the threee ages add up to the number of the bus that passed by (the prof did not give us this number) He thinks for a while and says he needs one more clue. So she says, my youngest child has red hair, and he is able to answer and make the sale. what are the ages of the three children? (hint: the salesman needed all three clues to get the answer).
Answered by Penny Nom.



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