2 items are filed under this topic.
Two water jugs |
2006-07-05 |
From Kisha: suppose that you have two water jugs, one which holds three gallons and one which holds five gallons. in additions, you have a water faucet at your disposal. your job is to find a method that produces exactly one gallon of water, another method that produces exactly two gallons of water, another method that produces exactly three etc up to exactly eight gallons of water. you may fill jugs from the faucet or from one another. you may not rough estimates??? Answered by Penny Nom. |
Two water jugs |
2004-08-16 |
From A student: You go to a source of water with two jugs and only two jugs. One jug has a capacity of exactly three pints and the other five pints. Both jugs are opaque (you can`t see inside them) and irregularly shaped. You have no other water containers. You do not have a scale. How can you use the two jugs and only the two jugs to measure exactly four pints of water? Answered by Penny Nom. |