We found 23 items matching your search.
 Aboriginal Perspectives is a companion web site to Math Central. It is part of Mathematics with a Human Face. The purpose is to create and make available lesson ideas for teachers, constructed around video clips with an Aboriginal focus. The site is under construction and in its infancy but the intent is that the number of video clips will increase and the lessons will span all areas of the curriculum.
Proceed to Aboriginal Perspectives.
AUTHOR(S): Faculty and Students at the University of Regina
 Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
AUTHOR(S): Karen Arnason
 This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving". This article is an interview by a primary grade student with an airline pilot.
AUTHOR(S): Dean Goranson
 A collection of problems created by students in an Mathematics Education course in the Winter of 1999. These problems are aimed at the elementary years mathematics content.
AUTHOR(S): Vi Maeers, Chad Parker, Sheldon Rieger, Cheryl Brule, Rhonda Wilmot Stad...
 This is a kit of 30 hands on activities for students in grades 4-6. There are activities in data management and analysis, geometry, measurement, numbers and operations, problem solving and assessment and evaluation. All of the activities contain teacher notes and task cards.
AUTHOR(S): Wendy Sawatzky
 This is the lead article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this note Rick writes about discussions with three women and their "math anxiety".
AUTHOR(S): Rick Seaman
 Here's an interesting way to incorporate real math into your daily morning activities. Begin with the first day of school and end, with a celebration, on the 100th day of the school year.
AUTHOR(S): Eileen Danylczuk
 This resource is a collection of manipulative activities for the upper elementary grades (Gr. 4-6). They consist of one activity for each of the three grades and for each of 7 different manipulatives; Geometric Solids, Base Ten Blocks, Geoboards, Colour Tiles, Tangrams and Blocks & Cubes.
AUTHOR(S): Craig Loewen
 This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces a master teachin award and contains an application form.
AUTHOR(S): Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society
 A librarian wrote to Quandaries and Queries inquiring about teaching resources for incorporating writing into mathematics. In this response Walter and Rick supply some references.
AUTHOR(S): Walter Whiteley and Rick Seaman
 This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this article Angie explains, with examples, how she has her elementary students interview their parents on their use of mathematics.
AUTHOR(S): Angie Harding
 A description of how two teachers set up an elementary math lab.
AUTHOR(S): Angie Harding
 This article discusses some of the many ways in which math is used in agriculture. It considers specific agriculture processes, as well as a variety of math concepts.
AUTHOR(S): Natasha Glydon
 Money Talks is one of the resources from the Stewart Resource Center. It contains two to three weeks of lessons on money at the grades three and four levels . Included are lessons, suggestions for on-going activities, support materials and resources.
AUTHOR(S): Wilna Ferre and Cora Gaillard
 This note shows mathematical concepts which can be developed through the use of children's literature. A list of books is included.
AUTHOR(S): Diane Hanson