We found 92 items matching your search.
 A brief history and description of the 4-colour theorem and its proof.
AUTHOR(S): Chris Fisher
 A geometric description of the square root algorithm.
AUTHOR(S): A. Grzesina
 Aboriginal Perspectives is a companion web site to Math Central. It is part of Mathematics with a Human Face. The purpose is to create and make available lesson ideas for teachers, constructed around video clips with an Aboriginal focus. The site is under construction and in its infancy but the intent is that the number of video clips will increase and the lessons will span all areas of the curriculum.
Proceed to Aboriginal Perspectives.
AUTHOR(S): Faculty and Students at the University of Regina
 Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
AUTHOR(S): Karen Arnason
 This resource contains instructions on building a uniform polyhedra "star ball" from modules of folded paper. Animation is used to illustrate the folding of the paper. Students are then challenged to construct other uniform polyhedra from the same modules and to discover how they can be "coloured" by using coloured paper. The construction should be possible for beginning middle year students and some of the questions challenging to students at the upper secondary level.
AUTHOR(S): Stacey Wagner and Jason Stein
 This note is a response to a question sent to Quandaries and Queries by Ben Dixon asking how to approximate pi. Chris wrote a nice description of the method used by Archimedes in approximately 250 BC.
AUTHOR(S): Chris Fisher
 The atlatl and dart, the predecessor to the bow and arrow, was very important in the lives of Aboriginals in Saskatchewan and all over the world up until about 2000 years ago. Experiment based lessons allow students to learn about the science behind the weapon system that put humans on top of the food chain. Subject integrated lessons for grades 4-12 in the areas of math, science and social studies based on Saskatchewan curriculum objectives.
AUTHOR(S): Janice Cotcher
 This teacher has used information from cars in the school parking lot as an easily accessible resource from which to collect and process data.
AUTHOR(S): Suzie Ashton
 A summary of a case study conducted in a grade nine classroom. Included is one problem and the responses by four students.
AUTHOR(S): Erv Henderson
 Choose a few survey questions, find the mode of their results and then write a description of the typical or "modal" student in your class!
AUTHOR(S): CensusAtSchool - UK
 This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this article Erv outlines an assignment which involves interviws in the community as a way to increase a student's understanding of how mathematics is applied in the real world.
AUTHOR(S): Erv Henderson
 This one of the articles in the fifth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the fifth edition of the newsletter is data management and this article is a description of personal surveys Erv's grade nine class performed and various methods they used to present and display the data they collected.
AUTHOR(S): Erv Henderson
 A collection of data management resources compiled by students in a senior education mathematics class taught by Vi Maeers at the University of Regina.
AUTHOR(S): Kelly Couse, Delphine Delorme, Regan Gunningham, Laura Shadbolt, Brett P...
 A personal project developed to create enrichment activities for Geoboards, Napier Rods, and Bean Sticks. Includes annotated links to problem solving Internet Sites.
AUTHOR(S): Brett Paddock
 Calculating the area of a rectangles, circles, triangles etc.has been been a regular exercise for students of mathematics. Unfortunately much of the world is irregular in shape and design. This exercise introduces the students to estimating the area of irregular surfaces.
AUTHOR(S): Bruce Hermsmeier