Tangram Building: Teacher Notes

  1. Activity Name: Tangram Building

  2. Mathematics Topic: Geometry

  3. Saskatchewan Math Curriculum Strand and Objective Numbers:

  4. Cels:

  5. Learning Objective(s):

  6. Grade Level: Grade 2/3

  7. Activity Time: 20 min.

  8. Number of Students: Pairs or Groups of 4

  9. Materials Needed:

  10. Procedure:

    Student’s Role:

    Students get in pairs or a group of four. Students take the tangram pieces and arrange them into one big square. They draw around the outside to show they formed it. Students then create the shape formula to name all the shapes used to make the square.

    Students are asked to then create pictures like animals, objects, etc. with the shapes. Once they make a picture they trace around the outside of it to save the picture. Make a few pictures and then give them to a friend, pair, or group of students to solve the picture by filling in the picture with the 7 shapes. Outlines of shapes will be put in student’s portfolio. At the end of the activity students write an "I learned …" statement about what they learned in the activity.

    Teacher’s Role:

    Teacher records anecdotal records on student behavior and their creativity when working with the tangrams. Teacher makes copies of pictures so students can solve them in their spare time.

  11. Adaptation(s)/Extension(s):

  12. Resources:

  13. Addison-Wesley (1997) Quest 2000: Exploring Mathematics Series, Grade Two and Three. Canada: Addison-Wesley Publishers Limited.

  14. Assessment/Evaluation:
