Solution to August 2002 Problem

A problem from Denmark's "Georg Mohr Konkurrencen I Matematik 1996" was generalized by Pierre Bornsztein [CRUX MATHEMATICORUM 2001, page 240]. He showed that if (a) P is a permutation of the set {1, 2, ..., n}, and (b) n is congruent to 2 or 3 modulo 4, then the numbers |k - P(k)| cannot be distinct. Our problem for August is to say what happens when n = 20:

Is there a permutation P for which the numbers |k - P(k)| take on all values from 0 to 19?

We received correct solutions this month from Juan Mir Pieras (of Spain) and Gordon Robinson (of Victoria, British Columbia). Not only did Mir answer the question for n = 20, but he constructed the appropriate permutation for all n congruent to 0 and 1 modulo 4. Robinson included with his answer a proof of Bornsztein's result that there can be no such permutation when n is congruent to 2 or 3 modulo 4.

Mir's Solution.

We construct permutations p(k) on the set {1, 2,..., n} for which D(k) = |k - p(k)| takes on all values from 0 to n - 1 when n of the form 4m and 4m + 1.

For n = 4m define
p(k) by

p(k) equalsforD(k) takes on the following values
4m + 1 - k1 <= k <= modd numbers from 2m + 1 to 4m - 1
m + 1k = m + 10
4m + 2 - km+1 < k <= 2meven numbers from 2 to 2m - 2
4m + 1 - k2m < k < 3modd numbers from 1 to 2m - 3
4m - k3m <= keven numbers from 2m to 4m - 2
2m + 1k = 4m2m - 1

In particular, for m = 5 -- that is, for n = 20 -- the permutation looks like

The case n = 4m + 1 is quite similar:

p(k) equalsforD(k) takes on the following values
4m + 2 - k1 <= k <= meven numbers from 2m + 2 to 4m
m + 1k = m + 10
4m + 3 - km+1 < k <= 2m + 1odd numbers from 1 to 2m - 1
4m + 2 - k2m + 1 < k <= 3meven numbers from 2 to 2m - 2
4m + 1 - k3m < k <= 4modd numbers from 2m + 1 to 4m - 1
2m + 1k = 4m + 12m

Here is an example with n=9 (that is, with m = 2):

k12345 6789
p(k)983 76 4215
D(k) = |k - p(k)|86031 2574

This ends the general solution. Mir continues by pointing out that these are not the only permutations that solve the problem. First, there are two obvious symmetries. A permutation p(k) can be represented by an n by n chessboard with a marker in the kth row and p(k)th column Ñ these markers represent a permutation of the set {1, ..., n} when there is exactly one marker in each row and in each column (like n nonthreatening rooks on an n by n chessboard). Our permutations satisfy the additional requirement that no two markers can have the same distance from the diagonal k = p(k). It is evident that these conditions are preserved by reflection in either diagonal of the chessboard; more precisely, if the permutation p(k) satisfies the conditions of the problem then so do

n + 1Ð p(n + 1 - k),
p-1(k), and
n + 1-
p-1(n + 1 - k).

Note that none of these four permutations can be equal, hence, for n = 4m or n = 4m+1 the number of permutations satisfying the conditions of the problem is a multiple of 4. The number of these permutations grows rapidly with m, as follows. [We take Mir's word for the following numbers.]

nnumber of distinct permutations nnumber of distinct permutations
44 x 1 54 x 1
84 x 8 94 x 24
124 x 248 134 x 628
164 x 12628 174 x 36036

Bornsztein's Result.
Finally this month, for the convenience of readers with no access to Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem we shall reproduce Pierre Bornsztein's neat argument from May, 2001 (Volume 27:4) page 240 that no such permutation exists when n is congruent to 2 or 3 modulo 4. More precisely, he assumes that
p is a permutation of {1, ..., n} and |p(k) - k| is a permutation of {0, ..., n - 1}, and then shows that n must be congruent to 0 or 1 modulo 4. Our conditions on p imply that S(p(k) - k) = 0 and

Moreover, since |j| - j must be even for all integers j, for some integer d we have

Comparing (1) and (2), we get n(nÐ1) = 4d, which implies that n is congruent to 0 or 1 modulo 4 as claimed.

Gordon Robinson provided a similar argument; here is how he explains the conclusion:

If n is congruent to 2 or 3 mod 4, the sum 0 + 1 + 2 +...+ n-1 is an odd number, so no assignment of signs to the jumps from k to p(k) can divide the ups and downs evenly so that the sum would be zero.

Crux with Mayhem, a journal published by the Canadian Mathematical Society, is a rich source of interesting problems. For more information, see