Solution to April 2004 Problem

For which positive integers is n4 + 4n a prime number?

Solution to MP41

We received solutions from Saïd Amghibech (internet), Pierre Bornsztein (France), Gilles Feyrit (France), Wolfgang Kais (Germany), Normand Laliberté – a partial solution (Ontario), Patrick LoPresti (USA), and Juan Mir Pieras (Spain).  All solutions were basically the same:

S := n4 + 4n is prime only when n = 1, in which case S= 5.  

Everybody noticed that when n is even, n4 and 4n are both even -- their sum will be properly divisible by 2 and, therefore, not prime.  (In fact, 24 = 42 = 16, so the sum will be divisible by 16 for all even values of n.)  We have thus reduced the problem to

Find those odd numbers n = 2k + 1, k ≥ 0, for which

S = n4 + 42k+1 = n4 + 4(4k)2

is prime.

1. Solution by Amghibech and Bornsztein.

Use the fact that

a4 + 4b4 = (a2 + 2ab + 2b2)(a2 - 2ab + 2b2)
=((a+b)2 + b2)((a-b)2 + b2)

At the end we will turn to the question of how to factor fourth degree polynomials.  For now, since S = n4 + 4(22k)2 = n4 + 4(2k)4 we use the factorization with a = n and b = 2k:

S = ((n + 2k)2 + 22k)((n - 2k)2 + 22k)

The smaller factor is the sum of squares that are both bigger than 1 when k > 0 (and n > 1), so S will be prime only for k = 0.

2. Solution by Feyrit, Kais, and LoPresti.

Observe that r2 + s2 = (r+s)2 – 2rs, so with r = n2 and s = 2(4k),

S = (n2 + 2(4k))2 - 4n24k = (n2 + 2(4k))2 - n24k+1

We note that since 4k+1 = (2k+1)2, S is a difference of two squares, which can be factored as

S = ((n2 + 2(4k)) + n(2k+1))((n2 + 2(4k)) - n(2k+1))

We still must show that the smaller factor exceeds 1 when k > 0.  Here is an easy argument for k ≥ 3:

n2 + 2(4k) - n(2k+1) = n2 + 2k(2k+1) - (2k+1)(2k+1)
> 2k(2k+1) - (2k + 1)(2k+1)
= (2k - 2k - 1)(2k+1)
> 1

so we simply check that for k = 1 and 2, the smaller factor is 5 and 17.

3. Observation by LaLiberté and LoPresti.

            Since the initial values of S are 5, 32, 145, 512, ..., one might speculate that the values of S for odd n are divisible by 5.  Indeed, when n is odd and not congruent to 0 mod 5, 4n (mod 5) = –1 and n4 (mod 5) = 1, so S = 4n + n4 is congruent to 0 (mod 5).  This means that for n > 1, n odd, and n ≠ 5k, 5 is a proper factor of S.  This leaves open only the case n = 5k with k odd.  Unfortunately, when k = 1 (that is, when n = 5) S = 1649 = 17·97, which suggests that it is time to look for a new approach!  Either one must start over (as Lo Presti did), or try splitting the difference:  (17 + 97)/2 = 57; thus, 17 = 57 – 40 and 97 = 57 + 40.  Of course, 40 = 23·5, which is a BIG hint.  It suggests a way to factor S:

S = n4 + 4n = n4 + 45k = n4 + 210k
= (n2 + 25k + 2(5k+1)/2 n)(n2 + 25k - 2(5k+1)/2 n)

which we recognize as a special case of our first solution above.

Question: How does one factor a fourth degree polynomial?

The general quartic looks like

p(x) = c4x4 + c3x3 + c2x2 + c1x + c0,

or in its homogeneous form (replacing x by a/b and multiplying through by b4),

q(a, b) = c4a4 + c3a3b + c2a2b2 + c1ab3 + c0b4.

It is a fact that any quartic polynomial with real coefficients can be factored into a product of two quadratic polynomials with real coefficients.  The formula has been known since the sixteenth century, and software is readily available that does the factorization for you; see, for example,

On the other hand, the factorization is practical only in special cases such as

q(a, b) = a4 + b4.

There is no need to memorize a formula here.  By symmetry the factorization must look like

a4 + b4 = (a2 + xab + b2)(a2 + yab + b2).

To find x and y, expand the right-hand side and observe that the coefficient of both a3b and ab3 is x + y, and of a2b2 is 2 + xy.  For the equality to hold these coefficients must both be zero, so x = –y = √2.  Thus,

a4 + b4 = (a2 + √2 ab + b2)(a2 – √2 ab + b2).

To factor a4 + 4c4 (= a4 + (√2 c)4) one can use b = √2 c in our formula; alternatively, solve a4 + 4c4 = (a2 + xac + 2c2)(a2 – xac + 2c2) for x.  Either way, one gets the formula used in our first solution.  Bornsztein attached the name of Sophie Germain (1776 – 1831) to that formula, but it would be surprising had the ancient Greeks failed to know it 2000 years before Germain was born.  Another nice quartic that is easily factored is p(x) = x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1; as a simple exercise you might want to try factoring it yourself.