Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Kind, a student:

I want to find the common tangent of two general parabolas, but i don't know if it's possible or not.
If it's possible, please make a tutorial.

The first parabola equation : Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.
The second parabola equation : Gx^2 + Hxy + Iy^2 + Jx + Ky + L = 0.

I need this because i want to find the equation of Beloch fold. (Huzita - Hatori 6th axiom)
However if you know any other method to find Beloch folds equation, I am open for any suggestions.


I found it easier to respond to your question using a pdf file than using an html file. You can find my response if you follow this link.


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