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16 golfers

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3 items are filed under this topic.
16 golfers over 15 weeks 2014-07-11
From Steve:
I need a schedule for 16 golfers over 15 weeks, where each golfer is paired with a different golfer each week and plays 4 matches per week against 4 different pairs (each pair does not have to play each week)
Answered by Penny Nom.
16 golfers, 4 rounds 2012-06-04
From Gerry:
16 golfers, 4 rounds - best pairings so that everyone plays with each other at least once.
Answered by Harley Weston.
16 golfers 2012-04-20
From steve:
i have 16 golfers, 4 in "A" flight , 4 in "B" flight , 4 in "C" and 4 in "D"

We are playing 4 rounds (4 teams of 4) and every group must have a player from the A B C an D flight, and in no round may 2 people have already played together!

Answered by Victoria West.



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